Monday, March 28, 2011

A Brain....On Fluorescent Dye

Brainbows never cease to amaze me. This is of a human brain (but you never know, with the internets).

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bob Marley Baby Makes Me Giggle

I hope that baby isn't high. I don't condone caring for infants while intoxicated (even though I believe at least 75% of grandmothers do ;) ).


This is really, really funny. And cute.

YouTube - Bob Marley Baby: ""

The Scary Things People Do to Cats


From "Glamourpuss: The Enchanting World of Kitty Wigs"
This is a book of cats in wigs. Shouldn't there be some sort of law against that type of crazy??

Tuesday, March 15, 2011